Market and fish-market


Narodni trg bb

working hours:
Weekdays: Market stalls 7 am — 1 pm / Market building (butcher shops and fish market) 7 am — 2 pm / Market building (shops and catering facilities) 7 am — 3 pm
Working hours on Sundays: 7 am — 12 noon
Working hours on holidays: 7 am — 12 noon

Eko tržnica / Eco Market

Šijana – Trg I istarske brigade

working hours:
every Tuesday
summer 19 — 21 h
winter 17 — 20 h

Lokalitet [local·eat·at]

Viška ulica 2A

working hours:
Monday — Friday 8 — 20 h
Saturday — Sunday 8 — 14 h
Closed for holidays and public holidays


Tomassinijeva bb